Stay informed about the latest Regal status updates by subscribing to our status page.
In this article, we'll explain the various ways to subscribe to status updates at the Status Page ( Our status page allows you to receive updates through email, SMS, Slack notifications, and RSS or Atom feeds.
Visit and click the "Subscribe to Updates" button.
Choose your preferred method of receiving status updates and follow the corresponding steps.
- Enter your email address in the designated field.
- Click the "Subscribe Via Email" button to confirm your subscription.
Enter your mobile phone number in the designated field.
Click the "Subscribe Via Text Message" button to confirm your subscription.
Click the "Subscribe via Slack" button.
You will be redirected to Slack's authorization page. Select your workspace and the channel to which you would like to send the status update notifications.
Click "Allow" to grant permissions.
- When connected you will receive a confirmation message in your chosen slack channel.
Choose between the available options: "RSS" or "Atom."
Copy the selected feed URL and add it to your preferred RSS or Atom reader or aggregator to start receiving updates.